Wednesday, January 20, 2010

When people succeed. It is because of hard work. LUCK has nothing to do with success. Do you agree or DISAGREE with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.

I disagree that success is purely a result of hard work. Perhaps because of association with the idea of gambling, the word “luck” has taken on the meaning of unearned and irresponsible recklessness in one’s lifestyle. However, the luck I’m talking about is of a different sort, the one that comes out as a result of hard work.

Invariably, hard work and luck simply have to come together for success to result. You see, I believe that there are many people in this world who work hard, very hard in fact. Ditch diggers, jeepney drivers, domestic helpers, nurses, teachers and such. Hard work is their lot. Yet time and again, few of them will ever make it beyond a difficult working life.

The problem does not stem from a lack for effort, but the lack of that sensitivity to opportunity otherwise called “luck.” Many a hard worker hunches down to do his work without ever stopping to think about what opportunities are created or opened by that work. As such, the person never sees nor grabs opportunity. He or she never has any “luck.”

On the other hand, there is that uncommon worker who has vision, an inquisitive mind, and the gumption to take risks. That person realizes that beyond the work is the constant opportunity for improvement. There are, so to speak, many ways to skin a cat. This worker is the kind who, given “luck” will one day make the leap from merely slogging away at the work to eventually becoming resoundingly successful in his career.

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